YOUR financial support is critical to our success!
We are eager to welcome you as a contributor. Your tax-deductible contribution will assist us in purchasing music, covering advertising and program printing costs, paying our conductor, and hiring a rehearsal accompanist, concert orchestra and soloists.
The value of your contribution doesn’t end there, however. A portion of your donation also fosters the development of young musical talent. We award scholarships for musical study each year to area high school students, through the BCCS Music Scholarship competition.
And be assured that the applause you hear at our concerts will be not only for the performers but for you as well–as a proud supporter of the local choral arts! The Bennington County Choral Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation; your contributions are tax deductible.
For additional information, please write us at
P.O. Box 44 Bennington,VT 05201